Please, carefully read the following instructions for presenters.

Plenary talks:

Plenary talks will be 45 minutes long + 15 minutes for questions. The preferred contribution format is Microsoft Powerpoint (.pptx) or Portable Document Format (.pdf).

Invited Talks:

Invited talks will be 25 minutes long + 5 minutes for questions. The preferred contribution format is Microsoft Powerpoint (.pptx) or Portable Document Format (.pdf).

Oral presentations:

Contributed oral talks will be 15 minutes including 3 minutes for questions. The preferred contribution format is Microsoft Powerpoint (.pptx) or Portable Document Format (.pdf).

A laptop running Microsoft Windows 10 will be made available to presenters.


Poster presenters are required to attend the poster session, which will take place on Wednesday, July 3, 2024.

For the poster session, the poster should be in A0 portrait format (841 mm wide and 1189 mm high).
