Photorefractive Photonics and Beyond (PR24)
Interaction of Light with Matter
The International Conference series on Photorefractive Photonics and beyond started in Los Angeles in 1987, usually having a biennial periodicity. The next meeting, PR´24, will be the 19th edition. PR’24 will be held from 2nd to 5th July 2024, at the Palacio de los Infantes | Euroforum in San Lorenzo of El Escorial, a beautiful historical town in the mountain region close to Madrid (50 km).
Following previous editions, we aim to stimulate interactions between a wide range of research areas which, although seemingly distant, share several aspects either on the description of fundamental physics, on the basic phenomena besides light – matter interaction or on possible fabrication methods and applications, in order to foster cross-fertilization and stimulate new ways to exploit the light-driven phenomena which at a fundamental level trigger photorefractivity.
The topics of this conference will include:
- Nonlinear light-matter interaction and applications: wave mixing, ultrafast processes, beam propagation dynamics, solitons, light beam interactions, frequency conversion (UV, VIS, IR, THz), optical limiting and modulation, self-organization and spatio-temporal dynamics, nonlinear plasmonics.
- Photorefractive and hybrid materials: Inorganic, organic and hybrid materials for photorefraction and nonlinear optics; crystals, liquid crystals, polymers, nonlinear fibers, gain media; organic semiconductors, perovskites.
- Materials micro- and nano-engineering: Ferroelectric domain patterning, microfabrication techniques, waveguides, resonators, metasurfaces and metamaterials, thin films, quantum dots, plasmonic structures, diffraction gratings.
- Holography, optical and signal processing and imaging: Dynamic wavefront sensing, image processing, digital holography, displays, photon-correlation techniques, photoacoustics, electrooptics, spatial light modulation, adaptive optics. All-optical signal processing, data storage, analog computing. Integrated optical devices. Applications in astrophotonics, biophotonics…
- Fundamentals and novel applications of charge and exciton generation and transport: microscopic modelling, self-localized charge states, bulk photovoltaic effect and photoferroelectrics.
- Optical and optoelectronic manipulation: optical and photovoltaic tweezers, optofluidics, droplet manipulation. Nanoparticle trapping and patterning, photocatalysis.
- Green photonics: Ferroelectrics and photovoltaics. Photorefractive and hybrid platforms for environmental challenges. Water and air pollutant sensing: detection and manipulation of micro- and nano-plastics, heavy metals, micro-organisms…
- Optical analogues of complex phenomena: Optical lattices, waveguide arrays, optical analogies of quantum effects and curved space-time phenomena, fundamental physics.

San Lorenzo of El Escorial, MADRID

The Monastery of San Lorenzo of El Escorial, MADRID
Starts July 2, 2024, 6 PM
Ends July 5, 2024, XX PM
Palacio de los Infantes | Euroforum
C. del Rey, 38,
28200 San Lorenzo of El Escorial,